something that won't come out of my mouth


something that won't come out of my mouth

are my teeth

although i haven't tried pliers or knives,

just pulling with my fingers

and i didn't actually pull,

i just kind of touched my teeth

gently with one finger

and then exhaled slowly

something that won't come out of my mouth

is your mouth

something that won't come out of my mouth

is a hairdryer

what the fuck?

something that won't come of my mouth


although i haven't tried very hard

something that won't come out of my mouth

are your teeth, or tongue; oh, i'm so sorry

something that won't come out of my mouth

is an apology

(oh there it is, that's what we wanted)

something that won't come out of my mouth

is a moth

unless one flies into my mouth

and i don't swallow it

and then it flies back out

past my teeth

if they're still there

something that won't come out of my mouth

is a motherfucking moth

because i will never again open it

near a florescent light

when it's dark

something that won't come out of my mouth

is the darkness

it is always in there

being useless and black

something that won't come out of my mouth

is a racist comment

or what you just said:

that maybe the only thing you can do in life is have three babies

something that won't come out of my mouth

is no, or yes;

i just won't say anything

and hope that the sentence goes away, out of the air, and

something that won't come out of my mouth

is air, or my teeth

Matthew Savoca was born on june 16th 1982 at jeanes hospital in north east philadelphia where he lived for two years until his parents moved to the north west suburbs where there were good school districts. many years later he started a blog where you can get information, read poems and watch videos and stuff.