Three Poems
Wallace Barker
The Fear is Always the Same
theres a ghost that lives in the park
if you climb the hill too slowly or
too fast he will drag you to hell
people let their dogs off-leash
to run in the grass fields and
the ghost will drag them to hell
i see crossfit classes doing sprints
and barbells on the tennis courts
and i see the ghost waiting to drag them to hell
on the swings toddlers are being
pushed by very young parents
and the ghost will drag them to hell
on the outskirts of the playground
at the far reaches of the pea gravel
a black grackle hops on one leg
the black grackle knows about the ghost
so it will never be dragged to hell but
it will hop around awhile longer then go
wherever grackles go when they die
watching nba finals w my best friend but
shit is rigged he falls asleep on the couch
bc he has work early tomorrow the half empty
beer warming on the coffee table the smoke filled
night crowding out palm fronds, oak saplings
drive home and text my friend an emoji let him know
I’m safe I survived one more journey across the face
of the earth in dark night when mysteries form and dissolve
like cloud patterns department store t-shirt advertising
some discount brand long since discontinued all my things
are like this all the decor is knockoff roses are fake
dust settles its all thats left of those who came before
well I won the lottery last night
and felt like the tunnels inside me
all caved in crushing little miners
digging away trapped or suffocated
the salty earth the dark caverns
now full and dead as a winter beach
the mistakes weren't mistakes anymore
anything could be fixed quite easily
those dark alleyways and blind turns
could no longer tempt me who needs em
I have so much money I might even
redo my bathroom or something each
dollar I won is an IOU from god
I'm cashing in now I'm so alive
I'm dead there are masters and servants
and I no longer gossip in the corridors
I sleep late while others wonder if I might
be dead in there but they don't dare
enter my chamber to confirm now when
the TV people are talking abt stock markets
it actually means something to me
all the hateful people and places from which
I was born the squalid cold mornings with
no heat, no food, broken windows the swoon
as I recall my mother warming my feet with her hands
the terrible dollars I won in the lottery
Wallace Barker lives in Austin, Texas. His new translation of "Romancero Gitano" by Federico García Lorca is available from Farthest Heaven. His book "Collected Poems 2009-2022" is available from Maximus Books and his debut poetry collection "La Serenissima" is available from Gob Pile Press. More of his work can be found at