Three Smalls
Nathan Dragon
Granted Ample Opportunity
It’s funny when you see a person decide: Hey, I don’t really like you anymore.
I’ve seen it from both directions.
I’m not saying it’s right.
The word no — pretty much an across the board word. It’s no or something close sounding to it in a bunch of languages.
I’ve seen a number of sapsuckers this week.
And icicles, yeah right,
that’s not what happened at all, actually.
Onion Rings
I like the sound of the fire ticking in the wood stove.
I like staying home.
A good thing—or a bad thing can, too—reveal a beautiful thing.
How’s that?
One more thing, it’s beautiful—eating fried calamari at a restaurant on Route 1 called Jimmy’s, sixteen or more years ago, my grandfather pauses, and in all seriousness, sincerely, he says, These are some damn good onion rings.
Nathan Dragon is a frequent contributor to NOON Annual and the author of The Champ is Here (C4G Books, 2024). He edits Blue Arrangements with his wife, Raegan Bird.