Dale Brett


Dale Brett is a writer and artist from Melbourne, Australia.

He is an editor of aesthetic transmissions at Surfaces. He holds an arresting interest in the melancholic malaise and technological ennui of the 21st century.

Banal artifacts of an absurd reality found @_blackzodiac.


Faceless in Nippon [Expat Press]
Ultraviolet Torus [SELFFUCK]


~{●︿●}~ The Death of Anime Summer ~{●︿●}~ [Young Mag]
油条 - Breaded Stick [Young Mag]
Huddled [Hobart]
Street Sauce [Surfaces]
Concentric Circuits / CODA [Surfaces]
Concentric Circuits / CODA II w/ Alexander Stephens [Surfaces]
Deer Park IV [Surfaces]
Jidohanbaiki Nightmare [Expat Press]
Worthless in Bangkok w/ James Krendel-Clark [Expat Press]
Alt+tab persona [Expat Press]
Strip Club Train Station [Expat Press]
Your 7:45pm Class Has Been Cancelled [Expat Press]
Arisu [Tragickal]
Layer 01: Self Constellations [d r e a m c o r e]
Layer 04: Nightly Aura [d r e a m c o r e]
Faceless in Nippon [Back Patio]
That One Time I was Someone Else [Back Patio]
Passengers [Muskeg]
Sapless Fortunes [Burning House Press]
Ruminations on 21st Century Inner Space [Burning House Press]
Ambit [RIC Journal]
Disruption of Flow [Misery Tourism]
Escalation of Contentment [Silent Auctions]


Yandere [Neko Girl Magazine]
Vaporbyte Phaze [Nauseated Drive]
Convolute 2701/Convolute 2196 [Nauseated Drive]
Blazing Apparitions in Sleepland [RIC Journal]
红口 – Red Mouth [Paint Bucket]
Caveat Emptor, Densha & Reality [Detritus Online]
‘Four Poems’ [Soft Cartel]
Marbled [Neutral Spaces Blog]
Chrome Mouth, Holographic Reflections & Tactile Hallucinations [Nu Lit Mag]

Review / Interview / Essay

The Narrator Escapes to Japan: Interview w/ Mike Kleine [3AM Magazine]
Interview w/ Manuel Marrero [Expat Press]
Haptic Narratives: The Absurdly R EA L Artifacts of Dale Brett Part 1: Interview w/ Will Bernardara Jr. [CAVMAG]
Haptic Narratives: The Absurdly R EA L Artifacts of Dale Brett Part 2: Interview w/ Will Bernardara Jr. [CAVMAG]
Haptic Narratives: The Absurdly R EA L Artifacts of Dale Brett Part 3: Interview w/ Will Bernardara Jr. [CAVMAG]
Proust Questionnaire w/ Fawzy Zablah [Mi patria es la literatura]
Post-kawaii Aesthetics [Critical Orifice]
Kanley Stubrick - Online Lyfe as Dream Place [Neutral Spaces Blog]
Cultural Appropriation as an Attempt to Find Meaning and Escape Loneliness – A Grand Review of Noah Cicero’s Give it to the Grand Canyon [Back Patio]
Eris X Eris (introduction) [Expat Press]

