I don’t want anyone or anything or any canary in my chest. I was born under a bridge that wrecked two places when it crumbled its connection from the WalMart in Nazareth to the Dixie Motor Speedway crushed up my dick. I arrived with legs, and ran myself red: where red is an equation solved for X, and I am the stupid fucked dependent variable not represented in the syntax. I was born under a bridge with hell in the name, the name in hell, the shit-magnet retro-trench where everyone you’ve met and you and whoever else will soon be buried under a sod of slod and screaming babies. There were arches in my Marches and rocks that trembled when you sneeze. There was night and air and I was just sitting around her under, mega-fucked, as if sewn inside a cell wall of some dreamboat preteen with perfect tits, set to secure her midlife blubber.

Dick Palace channeled Blake Butler via Heather Anne Mullins via Blake Butler on the fourth iteration of Sed Simbar Simbar, wearing a cloak of No and seven pins for lotion, with which he would always eat alone.

DICK PALACE 1 via Blake Butler via Derek White
DICK PALACE 2 via Blake Butler via Heather Anne Mullins
DICK PALACE 3 via Blake Butler via Gene Morgan
DICK PALACE 4 via Blake Butler via Bradley Sands
DICK PALACE 5 via Blake Butler via Go-Go Rasputin
DICK PALACE 6 via Blake Butler via Josh Maday