Sal Kang


Sal (they/them/theirs) is a poet, editor, and translator who currently lives and works in New Jersey. They founded Heartburn Review, a literary magazine for flammable writing, and they regularly perform poetry with Ellipses Slam Poetry, Princeton's oldest spoken word organization. They work as a prose editor for The Augment Review and as a translator and interview editor for The Hanok Review. They occasionally dump more experimental poems on their Instagram and miscellaneous thoughts on their blog. They tweet at @nini_kang.

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• 2 poems [ogma magazine] (Print)
"re: touching" [superfroot magazine]
"lunar conversations with varying degrees of self-confidence" [poetically mag/poetics blog]
• 4 poems [Velvet Fields/Unspoken Anthology] (Print)
"how to take the perfect selfie: a tutorial" [Ice Lolly Review]
"November Mantras" [perhappened mag]
• "first lunar new year away from home, I wear a red sweater just to feel something" [Nassau Literary Review] (Forthcoming)
• "garden song" [the lickety~split] (Forthcoming)
5 poems [InkBeat Arts]
"Eutrophication" [The Rappahannock Review]
• "Bleed In, Bleed Out," "The Poet Disarms" [Gravitas] (Print)
"How to Properly Self-Harm: from the Makeup Artist" [The Bitchin' Kitsch]
"Housemates" [Yes, Poetry]
"music / unraveled" [Unlost Journal]
"Moving On," "H2O" [Night Music Journal]
• "How to Sever Ties with a Culture" [Canvas Literary Journal] (Print)
"Three / One," "Poem for Graph Paper" [Lunch Ticket]
"Untitled," "Home: a Study in Anatomy" [The Heritage Review]
4 poems [stay journal]
"pink, like your brain: an index" [Q/A Poetry]
"potassium to water" [Vagabond City Literary Journal]
“when i say she was the light of my life” [Figure 1]
"13" [love letters magazine]


"dancing in an empty room" [Chogwa]

Selected Interviews

"Contributor Spotlight: Interview with Sal Kang" [The Rappahannock Review]
"From Art Museum Employee to Lo-Fi Extraordinaire, Meet Poetry Advocate Sal Kang" [The Heritage Review]


"End of an Era: Poems for 2019" [Yes, Poetry]

